We often notice that TSM DB backup runs very slowly even when TSM server is in idle state or having few background processes. There is a chance that this slow DB backup is due to the Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) loopback problems. To overcome this problem, now you can use shared memory setting to reduce processor load and improve throughput to increase the DB backup performance.
How to update the TSM server to use SHARED MEMORY for DB backup
We can manually configure a Tivoli Storage Manager server or use the instance configuration wizard, to use shared memory with DB2 backups. This option is only supported from TSM V7.1.0, configure the TSM server instance with shared memory to resolve slow database backup problems which can occur because of Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) loopback problems.
Also Read: TSM Storage Pool Concepts (V7 Revised)
Also Read: TSM Storage Pool Concepts (V7 Revised)
In the following 2 step procedure, we must update the database backup node configuration for TSM server to enable shared memory. To update the server configuration files, we need to halt the TSM server. Make sure to cancel all the background processes and cancel the client sessions if any before halting the TSM server.
Next, we need to edit the below configuration files to update the above settings to enable SHARED MEMORY for DB backup operations. In AIX modify /usr/tivoli/tsm/client/api/bin64/dsm.sys file, In
HP-UX, Linux & Oracle Solaris modify /opt/tivoli/tsm/client/api/bin64/dsm.sys and in Windows operating system modify d:\tsmserver1\tsmdbmgr.opt files with the below steps.
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Step 1 - Ensure that the server options file, dsmserv.opt, contains the following lines:
COMMMethod SHAREdmem
Step 2- On UNIX and LINUX systems, modify the stanza for the database backup node in the client API system options file, dsm.sys.
Remove the following lines from the stanza:
COMMMethod TCPip
TCPPort 1500
Add the following lines to the stanza:
COMMMethod SHAREdmem
SHMPort 1510
On windows operating systems, modify the stanza for the database backup node in the client API system options file, tsmdbmgr.opt.
Remove the following lines from the tsmdbmgr.opt file:
COMMMethod TCPip
Add the following lines to the tsmdbmgr.opt file:
COMMMethod SHAREdmem
SHMPort 1510
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