IBM TSM Server Deployment tips - Video Tutorial

After installing the server codes, the TSM server and TSM database instance needs to be configured. This video show how to use the Configuration wizard to enable an instance of Tivoli Storage Manager version 6 & 7.

This below video explains how to configure the TSM server  6.X after installation process. Same process can be followed for TSM v6 and TSM v7
  • TSM Server Instance
  • Server DB directories and db instance
  • Active Log, Archive Log, Active-mirror Log and Archive Failover Log
  • TSM Server Admin username and password
Also Read: IBM Spectrum Protect (TSM) Basic Free Tutorials

This below video explains the basic configuration steps after installing B/A Client V6.4. It explains how to configure dsm.opt file important parameters to start Backup/Restore clients data to TSM Server Storage Pools. It also demonstrates the importance of  using Include/Exclude list while taking Backup/Archive.

Also Read: Storage Area Network (SAN) Basic Free Tutorials

1 Response to "IBM TSM Server Deployment tips - Video Tutorial"

  1. Good job buddy. I am really happy to see your video. And i think it will be helpful for me.
    wide area network
