Showing posts with label SAN Questions & Answers. Show all posts
Showing posts with label SAN Questions & Answers. Show all posts

SAN basic interview questions

This is the next part of the 50 questions shared earlier. Below are some of the frequently asked Storage (SAN) basic interview question and answers. Check the Storage Area Networks (SAN) basic & advanced concepts page in this site to learn more SAN basics. 

Storage Area Networks (SAN) Basic concepts Interview Questions and Answers

51. what are FC protocols?
Ans :- i)FCP

52. FC tolpologies?
i)Point –Point
iii)Switched Fabric

53. Types of Logis?
Ans :- i)FLOgi

54. What is ISL?
Ans:- Inter switch Link physical connection between two switches.
With E-Port .It Aggregates the bandwidth

55. How to turn on trunk port?
Ans :- >portcfgtrunk portID 1

56. How to check zone status?
Ans :- >zoneshow zonename

57. What is domain id / port ID?
Domain ID name/ID of the switch and port id means port number.

58. What is dark fiber?
Ans :- lease line cable which is established but not in use called Dark Fiber.

59. SAN topologies?
Ans :- i)Point –Point
iii)Switched Fabric

60. Diff b/w brocade 3850 & latest Model ?
Ans : Brocade 3850 supports 16, 32 ports & 5100 supports 8 gbps -40 ports

61. How to add license in switch?
Ans :- >licenceshow
>licenceadd “key”

62. Diff b/w DAS & NAS?
DAS -> Direct Attached Storage
NAS -> Network Attached storage

RAID 0:-Concatination /Stripping min 2 disks max 8 disks
RAID 1:- Mirroring min 2 disks max 8 disks
RAID2:-Bit level striping min 2 disks max 8 disks
RAID 3 :-Byte level striping with fixed parity to perform this we need to have m in 3 disks max 15 disks
RAID 4:-Block level striping with fixed parity to perform this we need to have m in 3 disks max 15 disks
RAID 5 :- striping with Distributed parity to perform this we need to have min 3 disks max 15 disks
RAID 6:- Block level striping with Distributed parity to perform this we need to have min 4 disks max 16 disks
RAID 10: Stripped mirror to perform this we need to have min 4 disks max 16 disks
RAID 01 :-mirror stripped to perform this we need to have min 4 disks max 16 disks

64. How to take switch backup?
Ans: -by doing of >configupload
After that Through FTP we need to give server name
Of target server here we can save the configuration of the switch.

65. What is port address?
FCID , it is 24 bit address contains Domain Id, Port Number & Loop Number

66. HBA ?
A: Host Bus Adaptor , it resides in the Host. It is Network interface card.

67. Port swapping ?
A: it is a process of when one port is failure , the other port is changed as a communication port

68. What is meant by up streaming and down streaming?
(upstream) The ISL is an upstream path toward the principal switch of the fabric.
(downstream) The ISL is a downstream path away from the principal switch of the fabric.
(Trunk Primary) The port is the master port in a group of trunking ports.
Up If the ISL is connected and the link is up
Down No ISL is connected

69. How to start Automated config upload?
A: automate configuration

Storage Area Networks (SAN) Interview Questions and Answers

Below are some of the frequently asked Storage (SAN) basic interview question and answers. Check the Storage Area Networks (SAN) basic & advanced concepts page in this site to learn more SAN basics. 

Storage Area Networks (SAN) Basic concepts Interview Questions and Answers

31. How can u check Error in brocade switch ?
Ans :- errshow

32. Health checks in brocade switch?
Ans :- >switchshow
>switch statusshow

33. What is failover , failback ?
Ans :- FailoverProcess of switching production to a remote. (If production server fails moves to remote site)

34. What is 24 bit addressing?
Ans :- It consists of 3 octects each of 8 bits 1st octect is for domain, 2nd octect for port ID ,
3rd octect for AL-PA(Arbitrated loop physical address)

35. What is latency ?
Ans :- Time delay to reach data from source to destination

Ans :-
PRLOGI:- processlogi providing lun access permission to host.

37. What are the class of services?
Ans :- Class 1:-Acknowledged connection oriented service
Class2:- Acknowledged connection less service
Class3:- :- UnAcknowledged connection less service
Class4:-Fraction bandwidth connection oriented service
ClassF:-Multicast service
Class6: - Switch – switchconnection less with acknowledge service.
Here Class 2,3,f are used for san technology.

38. What is FSPF?
Ans:- Fabric shortest path first path to reach destination.

39. What is FCIP,FCOE, IFCP ?
Fibre Channel Protocol (FCP) is a transport protocol (similar to TCP used in IP networks) that predominantly transports SCSI commands over Fibre Channel
Fibre Channel over IP (FCIP or FC/IP, also known as Fibre Channel tunneling or storage tunneling) is an Internet Protocol (IP) created by the Internet
Fibre Channel over Ethernet (FCoE) is a computer network technology that encapsulates Fibre Channel frames over Ethernet networks.
iFCP (Internet Fibre Channel Protocol) is an emerging standard for extending Fibre Channel storage networks across the Internet

40. What hopcount ?
Ans :- number of (Nodes)counts to reach from source to destination

41. Tell me about Fc topology ? and what is private and public?
Fc topologies are : Point-Point, FC-AL, Switched Fabric
Private : No Fabric connection
Public : attached to a ... Channel network in which up to 126 nodes are connected in a loop topology

42. What is firmware?
A: permanent software programmed into a read-only memory.

43. What is ASIC?
Ans :- Application specific integrated circuit. It is Brocade switch processor.

44. What is SSD?
Ans :- Subsystem device driver it is a multipathing software to manage both path failover and preferred path destination.

45. What is Fabric Watch?
Ans: Fabric Watch tracks a variety of SAN fabric elements, events, and counters. Continuous monitoring of the end-to-end fabric, switches, ports, Inter-Switch Links

46. Tell me led light indication in brocade switch?
SWITCH BEACON: if it is of yellow /red then it is not working. If it indicates Green light then it’s working

47. What is NPIDV. How to assign NPIDV ?
Ans :- NodePortIDvirtualization is a technology that defines how multiple virtual servers can share a single physical fiber channel port identifier

48. What is Node?
It is an entity or device where we can connect it to the network to access services.

49. Brocade architecture?
Ans :- It consists of ASIC processor, cache , NSD RAM, Console port(DB-9) .

50. What is fabric?
Ans :- Collection of switches of same vendors or different vendors.

51. what are FC protocols?
Ans :- i)FCP

SAN interview question and answers

Below are some of the frequently asked Storage (SAN) basic interview question and answers. Check the Storage Area Networks (SAN) basic & advanced concepts page in this site to learn more SAN basics. 

Storage Area Networks (SAN) Basic concepts Interview Questions and Answers

1. What is zoning?
A: Zoning is the allocation of resources for device load balancing and for selectively allowing access to data only to certain users.

2. How we can create the zoning?
1. Identify the WWPNs for the new server HBA. We can do this using Qlogic SAN Surfer or Emulex HBAnywhere,
2. create a new alias for the server HBA port cabled to that fabric.
For each storage device that the server needs access to on fabric 1 (or possibly just switch 1), create a new zone and include the new server alias and the alias for every relevant storage port on that device. Repeat if you have other storage devices (so two XIVs means two new zones).
3. Put the new zone (or zones) into the active zone set (or a clone of it) and activate it.
4. Repeat on fabric 2.

3. What is WWNN?
A: World Wide Node Name, it is 64 bit address. It is for identify the particular HBA

4. What is WWPN?
A: World Wide Port Number: It is 64 bit address; it is for port in HBA, Every port having their own WWPN.

5. What is the difference between WWNN and WWPN?
A: World Wide Node Name, it is 64 bit address. It is for identify the particular HBA
World Wide Port Number: It is 64 bit address; it is for port in HBA, Every port having their own WWPN

6. Expain synchronus, Asynchronous?
Asynchronous: A synchronous process is invoked by a request/response operation, and the result of the process is returned to the caller immediately via this operation.
Synchronous: An asynchronous process is invoked by a one-way operation and the result and any faults are returned by invoking other one-way operations. The process result is returned to the caller via a callback operation

7. New host and storage is there for that zoning also existing. What you will do in storage and how u will check whether the zoning is existing or not?
A: Physical Connectivity, Logical connectivity (zoning), Storage mapping to particular host

8. Explain about fabric services?

9. Explain zones and Zoneset?
A: ZONES: Zones can be members of different zone sets for different purposes
Zoneset: a zone set is composed of zones, which are composed of members

10. Fabric ports?
A: The fabric port (F_port) is a fabric switch port used to connect an N_port to a switch in a fiber channel topology.

11. What is Switch configuration?
A: connect switch through DB-9(Console port) port to management host run tip hard ware for windows host. 
There goto setup - ipaddrset - give IP address, Gateway, Subnet mask and finally enable the switch.

12. Expain about well known addresses (FLOGI,PLOGI)
i.FLOGI(Fabric logi):- It is the type of service when ever host connect to the Fabric ,Fabric will assign ID to the host.
ii.PLOGI(Port Logi):- It is the type of service where storage can assign a lun to hosts without access permissions.

13. How to check the status of the Switch ?
Checking the status of switch

14. What is meant by port channeling?
Ans;-Channeling is where you "bond" two different physical ports together into a single connection for higher bandwidth and redundancy

15. What is SCN?
State change notification used to find hardware failures .

16. What is truncking?
Ans:-Aggregation of ISL’s is tunneling these entire process will call it as trunking.8 ISL link’s aggregation is called truncking .To increase bandwidth,speed.

17. What is Easy tiering and how it works?
Answers : For improving IOPS we can use the easy tiering. It have four steps how it works
  • I/O Monitoring
  • Data placement advisor
  • Data migration planner
  • Data Migrator
  • In this concept max 2 TB of data can be migrated to the HDD’s to SSD’s
18. Step by step Zoning ?
i)  Alias creation
ii) Zone creation
iii) Cfg create
iv) Cfgsave
v) Cfgenable

19. How will you check storage us pinging with host are not?
Check in the storage array the mapped LUN’s are listing the host WWPN’s or not

20. Which zoning is secured ?
ANS:- Soft zoning is better and Flexible .it is done with WWN’s. When ever port failures connect to another port no need to do zoning again because wwn is unique for HBA.

21. What is storage portioning?
ANS :- It’s a logical entity consisting of one more logical drives that are shared by a group of hosts or exclusively accessed by a single host.

22. What is infiband switch bandwidth?
Ans:-InfiniBand is a switched fabric computer network communications link used in high-performance computing and enterprise data centers.

Also Read: DAS vs SAN vs NAS

23. What is SCSI maping? SCSI masking?
Ans:-- Allocating lun to a perticular host without accessin permissions. Providing access rights to access lun to a particular host.

24. Firmware update in Brocade Switch ?
A: Firmware file download from server and update on switch

25. FC layers?
FC-4 :- ULP(upper layered Protocol) ex: fcp,fcip,icfcp
FC-3 :- Common services
FC-2 :- framing & flowcontrol
FC-1 ; - 8/10 Encoding & Decoding
FC-0 :- Physical layer Speeds and feeds)

26. FC topologies?
i) point-point
ii) FC_AL (Fiber channel – Arbitrated loop)
iii) Switched Fabric

27. What is frame ?
Ans:- Frame is a binary electrical digital data transfer between source and destination.frame size is 2148 bytes.

28. What is Priniciple switch?
Ans :-The switch which is having least domain ID in a fabric is Principal switch.

29. Before shutdown switch that what will you do?
A:Take config save ,if we want config upload.

30. What is SAN ?
Ans :-SAN is high speed networking technology used to connect host to the storage with fiber channel.

Latest SAN Interview Questions

Below are the common and frequently asked Storage Area Network (SAN) questions in interviews. Because these are the general SAN questions, these questions will be helpful for any Storage Vendor specific interviews.

SAN Interview Questions

If you dont know the answers for these questions, please refer Storage Area Network (SAN) Basic Tutorials.

  • What are switch ports.
  • What is RAID?
  • What are the different types of RAID levels?
  • What is Min and Max drives in RAID 0 , RAID1, RAID3, RAID4, RAID5, RAID6?
  • What are the SAN Protocols?
  • What is the command to find Principle Switch?
  • What is the command to find Active Configuration?
  • How many Active Configuration in Fabric?
  • How many max switches in Fabric?
  • What is FCID?
  • What is FC Address?
  • What is HBA?
  • What is SFP?
  • What are the different types of Zones?
  • What is FLOGI and PLOGI?
  • What are FC Layers?
  • What are the Class of Services?
  • What is WWNN and WWPN ?
  • What is ISL?
  • What is Trunking ?
  • What is the Command to Enable Trunkport?
  • What is NPIV?
  • What are the zone creation Commands?
  • What is the command to find switch issues?
  • What is the command to change the PORT speed?
  • Command to Change Switch Domain ID?
  • How to enable the Principle Switch with command?
  • What are the HBA Tool’s?
  • What is FC protocol?
  • What is LUN?
  • What are the different types of Disk types?
We will try to post answers along with the questions in the next posts. Keep Reading...

EMC Clariion (SAN) Interview Questions

  • Explain Clariion architecture ?
    emc clariion interview questions
  • Hardware Models of Clariion ?
  • What are the differences between Clariion CX-3 series and CX-4 Series ?
  • What are the Hardware components of Clariion ?
  • What are the management tools for Clariion ?
  • How to Initialize Clariion Array ?
  • What is Access Logix and How do you enable it ?
  • Why Access Logix has to be enabled ?
  • What are Vault drives and how much capacity they use ?
  • What is CMI (Clariion Message Interface) ?  
  • What are the I/O Operations in Clariion ?
  • Use of SPs ?
  • What is Storage array in Clariion ?
  • Create Storage group ?
  • How to manually restore failed paths in Clariion ?
  • How do you gather SP Collects ?
  • How do you upgrade the NaviSphere Manager ?
  • What are steps to assign a LUN to existing Host ?
  • Explain step by step procedure for storage provision to the new host ?
  • How do create capacity planning reports in Clariion ?
  • What is HEAT report ?
  • How do you enter into the Engineering Mode and what are the activities we can perform in Engineering Mode ?
  • How do you create a meta LUN ?
  • Explain step by step procedure for LUN migration ?
  • What is Private LUN Pool ?
  • What is Reserved LUN Pool ? 
  • How do you deregister the hosts from NaviSphere ?
  • How do you create a user and assign access rights ?
  • How do you monitor Clariion alerts ?
  • What is the recommended ration of Read and Write cache?

EMC Storage Area Netwroks (SAN) Basic Interview Questions on Clariion, DMX and VMAX

  • What is Power path ?
  • Power pathCLI to manage disks  ?
  • List Power path policy ?
  • What is Vault drive ?
  • What is the PSM Lun ?
  • Basics of Storage ?
  • Define RAID ?
  • Which one you feel is good choice ?
    EMC Interview
  • StorageArray used in DAS ?
  • Explain iSCSI login, fabric login ?
  • Advantage of migration from DAS to SAN ?
  • What is Meta Lun ?
  • Explain Clariion architecture
  • Explain DMX architecture
  • Explain Enginuity operation layers
  • What is hard and soft zoning?
  • Explain WWN
  • What is zoning and how to create?
  • What is VSAN and how to create?
  • Hardware Models of clarion
  • What is FCID?
  • Explain Navishere/Symmtric Management console /ECC 22.Initialization of clarion array

Also Read: Storage Area Network (SAN) Basic Free Tutorials

  • Explain rule 17 in DMX
  • Why and how symmask, symld and symdg are used in DMX? 25. Symdev
  • Explain about symcfg
  • What is SYMAPI?
  • Configuration change in DMX
  • What is VCMDB?
  • Can windows, Linux, Solaris share the same FA in DMX? 31.What is Snap view?
  • What is Mirror view?
  • What is SAN Copy?
  • Explain Time finder and SRDF
  • Difference in iSCSI and NAS
  • What is IQN?
  • Explain SAN, NAS and CAS using devices used in these model 38.Difference in iFCP and FCIP
  • What is fabric?
  • What is RAID? Explain RAID3, RAID5 and RAID1/0
  • What is Hot Spare Disk?
  • What are the bay in DMX-3
  • Version and Model
  • Brief the Symmetrix CLI command
  • Create Storage group and add device into storage group in DMX. 46.Create Time Finder Clone using CLI
  • Composite Device group
  • How to create SRDF
  • What is iSCSI ?
  • What is Disk Controller?
  • How does data got saved in case of striping and incase of concatenation? 52.What is the minimum no. of disks required for RAID 5 and RAID 6? 
Also Read: DAS vs SAN vs NAS
  • Difference between time finder and clone?
  • What is SRDF R1 & R2?
  • What is the version of Symmetrix DMX4?
  • In 4-24 what do 24 mean?
  • What is fabric?
  • Importance of RAID6?
  • How many disk failures RAID 5 supports? 60.Importance of masking?
  • Different RAID levels?
  • What is quorum disk and it is importance?
  • How to manually restore failed paths in Clariion?
  • Flash drives in DMX4?
  • What is LCC? Link Control Card
  • Storage provisioning in DMX?
  • Steps for zoning using CLI?
  • Describe SMCLI commands you have used
  • LUN, Base LUN and Metalun?
  • Difference between HP EVA 5000 and 8000?
  • What is CMI? Clariion Message Interface
  • What are the I/O operations in Clariion?
  • Use of SPs?
  • What is VMCDB?
  • What is Hyper?
  • What is a device in DMX?
  • What is SAN Kit?
  • Channel directors and disk directors?
  • What is global memory?
  • Difference between Emulex and Qlogic?
  • What is storage array in Clariion?
  • What FCID?
  • What is F-LOGI and P-LOGI? How authentication happens?

EMC Storage Area Networks SAN basic L1 and L2 interview questions

Also Read: Storage Area Network (SAN) Basic Free Tutorials

  • Give a few CLI commands of Switch and Storage controller ?
  • What is the maximum out-standing requests in the storage controller ?
  • List some of the key intelligences of the Fibre Channel network ?
  • What are the three SAN deployment topologies ?
  • What are the steps involved for firmware up-gradations ?
  • What is the meaning of Disk controller ?
  • What are the Steps for No single point of failure ?
  • What are the tools used to measure storage performance ?
  • Why Raid 1+0 IS best for Database configuration ?
  • What is your approach in proactive measures ?
  • How you integrate SNMP to Storage to receive alert messages ?
  • What are some benefits of zoning ?
  • How do you achieve maximum protection in a SAN fabric ?
  • Why is the core-to-edge topology preferred in scalable fabric environments ?
  • What is Power path and list Power path policy4 ?
Also Read: Frequently Asked Interview Questions and Answers 
  • What is Vault drive ?
  • What is the PSM Lun ?
  • What is the Storage Array used in DAS 9 ?
  • Explain iSCSI login and fabric login ?
  • What are the advantages of migration from DAS to SAN 
  • What is Meta LUN ?
  • Explain Clariion architecture ?
  • Explain DMX architecture ?
  • Explain about Enginuity operation layers ?
  • What is hard and soft zoning ?
  • What is WWN number and where it is used ?
  • What is zoning and how to create zoning ?
  • What is VSAN and how to create it ?
  • What are the hardware models of clarion ?
  • What is FCID ?
  • Why and how symmask, symld and symdg are used in DMX ?
  • Can windows, Linux, Solaris share the same FA in DMX ?
  • What is Snap view ?
  • What is Mirror view ?
  • Difference in iSCSI and NAS36. What is IQN ?
  • Explain SAN, NAS and CAS using devices used in these model
  • What is RAID ?
  • Explain RAID3, RAID5 and RAID1/041 ?
  • What is Hot Spare Disk ?

Storage Area Network (SAN) basic interview questions

Below are the Storage Area Network Basic Interview Questions

SAN Interview Questions
  • what is the difference between SAN,NAS and DAS ?
  • what is FC Protocol ?
  • what is SCSI and ISCSI ?
  • Explain Different RAID LEVELS?
  • what is FC ?
  • Explain FC layers ?
  • Explain FC topologies ?
  • what is F,N,E,G,NL,FL ports ?
  • what is Principal Switch ?
  • Hardware components of Switch ?
  • Access levels of Switch ?
  • Licenses of switch ?
Also Read: AIX Scenario based questions

Storage Area Networks SAN basic L1 and L2 interview question and answers

Storage Area Networks (SAN) has huge requirements and the popularity and importance of this technology is increasing every year. According to my knowledge EMC and IBM are good among this technology and they recruit lots of junior level SAN administrators. 

In this post I have posted some of the basic SAN interview questions collected from various candidates. This should really help the SAN newbies....The best practise is always try to research and find out your own answers and not relying on someones answers....

SAN Storage Administrator L1 Interview Question and Answers

1. What is a SAN?
A SAN is a dedicated network for sharing storage resources. A SAN provides accelerated data access and supports advanced storage management.

2. Name 3 Limitations of DAS Technology?
No scalability, I/O Bottleneck, Limitations in cable length, Unable to share resource

3. Name at least 4 of the Hardware component in a SAN?
Cable, SAN Switch, GBIC, Storage Subsystem, Host Bus Adapters

4. How could implementation of a SAN benefit LAN performance?
High Speed, Long distance, Data Travel with in the SAN, Fast access Data Backup, Improved Performance

5. Name 3 key features of Fibre Channel?
High Speed, Long distance, Data Travel with in the SAN, Fast access Data Backup, Improved Performance.

Also Read: Storage Area Network (SAN) Basic Free Tutorials

6. How is a SAN Superior to SCSI?
SAN offers a number of advantages to parallel SCSI. Fibre Channel is substantially faster than parallel SCSI. In addition, Fibre Channel supports both Fibre Optic and copper cabling at distances of up to 10 Kilometers. It also connects up to 127 nodes on an Arbitrated Loop and up to 16 million nodes on a Fibre Channel Switch. With its ability to map IP, Fibre Channel is significantly more than a parallel SCSI replacement. Fibre Channel’s IP support gives its networked storage devices access to multiple servers or nodes for accelerated data access and enhanced data management.

7. What is a Point-to-Point Topology?
Point-to point topology provides a simple, direct connection between just two nodes. This topology is the closest approximation to the traditional SCSI topology and provides a direct connection between two nodes, such as between a file server and a disk subsystem. With this topology, the transmitter port on one node os connected directly to the receiver port on the other node.

8. What is FC-AL?
FC-AL is a abbreviation for Fibre Channel – Arbitrated Loop. FC-AL is a industry standard topology that links up to 126 ports together on a single shared simplex media. Transmissions can only occur between a single pair of nodes at any given time. Arbitration is the scheme that determines which node has control of the loop at any given moment.

9. What is Switched or Switched Fabric Topology?
A Fibre Channel Switch permits multiple simultaneous transmissions between pairs of nodes connected to it. The data is switched from the source node to the destination node.

10. What is the “Fabric” in a Switched Fabric Topology?
In the early days of Fibre Channel, the concept of a universal “Fabric” was used to support Fibre Channel’s topology independence. With the advent of point-to-point and FC-AL topologies, it’s value has been enhanced.The Fibre Channel Fabric was designed as a generic interface between each node and the physical layer interconnection of the nodes. By adhering to this interface, any Fibre Channel node could communicate over the “Fabric” without having to know the interconnecting scheme between nodes. A “Fabric” is similar to a telephone switch which allows you to originate a call to another party without requiring you or the other party to have detailed information about the interconnection mechanism used to establish the call between two points.

11. Where does SAN fit into Today’s Networking Environment?
SANs compliment today’s LAN and WAN technologies by acceleration functionality and performance behind the server, where current LAN and WAN technology leaves off. They also compliment the ongoing advancements in LAN and WAN technologies by extending the benefits of improved performance, topological flexibility and remote management from the client and backbone to servers and storage.

Unlike traditional LAN and WAN technologies, the gigabit speed of a Fibre Channel-based SAN accelerates I/O performance, relieving the burden from servers in the tiered client/server architecture. SANs also support advanced storage management features that include highspeed remote back-up and data mirroring. They also provide a platform for server clustering to migrate into the open market.

Also Read: DAS vs SAN vs NAS

12. What type of san switch you are using?
Brocade, Mc Data, so on

13. What is the command to measure the speed of the port?
      #show port 2

14. What you mean by lun masking?
Hiding the luns to specific to host

SAN Storage Administrator L2 interview question and answers:

1. What is the difference between Raid 1 and Raid 5?
 Mirroring and Parity striping across the disks.

2. What is the difference between Lun masking and Zoning?
Lun masking is hiding the LUN to specific server or Host and Zoning is specific to Operating system for e.g Windows zoning, UNIX zoning only preferred luns can be assigned to particular Zoning

3. Give examples of few CLI commands of the Storage controller?
Different for Different storage

4. What is the meaning of IOPS? Where it plays important role?
IOPS INPUT OUTPUT PER SECOND One transaction to and fro of the server to storage. Mission critical applications planning based on IOPS one can determine the storage,space needs.

Also Read:  AIX Basic concepts and commands

5. Give an example of the Database configurations for Disk layout?
It differ storage to storage expected answer Raid 1+0 configurations

6. Name at least 3 ways consolidating storage improves operational efficiencies. ?
Centralized administration, Scalability, Backup/restore improvement

7. What advantages do LAN-free back up and restore deliver?
Speed up the backup/Restore, Data will not travel over LAN

8. Name at least 3 ways a SAN provides a High Availability Infrastructure.
No single point of failure, BACKUP/Restore speed, Replication/DR will be improved from Distance point of view

9. What are the steps involved to accomplish Raid best configurations?
Size of the data, no of users, criticality of applications, cost effective of the storage requirements, Raid 1+0

10. What is the functionality of multi pathing?
Load balancing, fail over on different path, security