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AIX Commands for Managing files and directories
- cd Change directory
- ls Display the content of a directory
- ls -la Display the content of a library long format
- ls -latr Display the content of a library in chronogical order
- cat Display, create, copy, concat a file
- cat file.input Display file.input
- cat file1.input file2.input > file.outpout Concat file1 et file2
- more Display each page of a file
- cp Copy files or directories
- mv Move or rename file
- grep Search a string in a file
- grep -r "text" /tmp Search the string text in the /tmp directory
- wc Count word, line in a file
- ln Make a hard or soft link of a file
- touch Create an empty file
- find Find a file
- find . -name "text.txt" Find the file text.txt
- find . -name "*.txt" | xargs -n1 ls -la Find the files *.txt if there is too many occurences
- find . -name "text*" | xargs rm Find all the file with the argument text* and remove it
- find . -type f -mtime +10 | xargs -n1 rm Find all files older than 10 days and remove it
- chmod Modify the permission of a file or directory
- chmod ugo+rwx Set the permission for user - group - other + Read - Write - execute
- chown Change the owner of a file or directory
- chown user file
- chgrp Change the group of a file or directory
- chgrp group file
- cut Cut certain colonn of a file
- head Display the head of a file
- sdiff Display the difference between two files
- sort Sort the content of a file
- tail Display the last lines of a file
- tail -f /var/log/error.log Display in "real time" the content of a log file
- mkdir Make a directory
- rmdir Remove a directory
- nl Number lines in a file
- nl -ba file.txt
AIX utlitites - Transforming and converting files
Here are listed some "utilities" with example to transform files.
- tr
- tr '\332' '012'< file.input > file.output To transform character 'DA' (hex) to '0A' (hex). The value 332 and 012 are in octal
- tr -d '\025' < file.input > file.output To delete the character '15' (hex). The value 025 are in octal
- tr 'A-Z' 'a-z' < file.input > file.output To transform upercase to lowercase
tr 'àçéèêëîïôöùüÂÇÉÈÊËÎÏÔÖÙÜ' 'aceeeeiioouuACEEEEIIOOUU' < file.input > file.output
- sed
- sed
- perl
- perl -pe 's/\332/\012/g' < file.input > file.output To transform character 'DA' (hex) to '0A' (hex). The value 332 and 012 are in octal
- perl -pe 's/\332/\015\012/g' < file.input > file.output To transform character 'DA' (hex) to '0D0A' (hex. Thel value 332, 015 and 012 are in octal.
- perl -n -e 'chop; printf "%-120s\n",$_;' < file.input > file.output To transform a file with a Carriage Return at the position 120
- perl -e '1,2d' < file.input > file.output To suppress the first two line of a file
- perl -e 'while (read(STDIN, $l, 160)){printf "%s\n",$l;}' < file.input >file.output To add a carriage return at the position 160
- iconv To convert from one encoding to another encoding
- iconv -f ISO8859-1 -t IBM-850 file.input > file.output To convert file from ISO8859-1 to IBM-850 encoding
- awk
- ls -la * | tail -1 | awk '{print $9}' To display information of the colon 9 in a ls command
- ls -ltr | grep "Jan 24" | awk '{print $9}' | xargs -n1 -i cp {} /work/toto/
- dd
- dd if=/tmp/file.input of=/tmp/file.output conv=ascii To convert input file from bin to ascii
- Sript to transform "dos file" to Unix (in particular ^M)
- #!/usr/bin/ksh
if [ $# -ne 1 ]
echo "Usage: $0 filename"
sed 's/^M$//' $1 > tmp
mv tmp $1
chmod 755 $1
- Tips to transform Dos file to Unix
- # to convert DOS file to Unix in place:
- perl -i -pe 's/\r//g' file
- # Unix to DOS:
- perl -pe 's/$/\r/g' < infile > outfile
- # Unix to DOS in place:
- perl -i -pe 's/\n/\r\n/' file
- # to check for <CR> :
- perl -ne 'print if /\r/' < infile
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