28 February 2014

How to configure SAP Database backup using TSM for ERP (TDP SAP for oracle) and brtools backint utilitties

To take SAP database backup using IBM TSM for ERP SAP, you can use the backup and recovery tools which are provided with SAP. Backup and recovery tools are either an integrated component of a relational database system, such as Oracle Recovery Manager (RMAN) or may be installed as an independent software package developed by a third party such as SAP BR*Tools for Oracle. In this post we will see how to configure TDP for SAP for taking SAP database backup using BR*TOOLS.

What are SAP BR*Tools ?

The SAP BRTools for Oracle is a package of utilities developed by SAP AG to protect and manage SAP data stored in Oracle databases. BR*Tools supports functions for online or offline, partial or full backups of database (BRBACKUP) and backup of archived redo logs (BRARCHIVE). It provides functions for database restore and recovery (BRRECOVER and BRRESTORE). BR*Tools can be used not only for database recoverability tasks, but it can also serve as a tool for creating homogenous database copies and can assist with database migration to different platforms or database versions. BR*Tools backup and restore functions can be accessed either from the user interface (BRGUI or BRTOOLS)  or directly from the command line or script by executing the commands BRBACKUP, BRARCHIVE, BRRESTORE, and BRRECOVER. The BR*Tools executables are located in the
/sap/<SID>/SYS/exe/run directory.

sap brtools


BRBACKUP is the BR*Tools utility that enables online or offline backup of database files such as data files, control files, online redo log files and also BR*Tools configuration profiles and logs that are required for the database disaster recovery. Before taking the offline backup, BRBACKUP automatically closes the database and opens it as soon as the backup is accomplished.


BRARCHIVE provides functions for offline redo log files backup in Oracle databases running in archiving mode. The redo log is the most important database component for a recovery from a crash, media failure, or user failure. Therefore, at least the production databases should be configured in archiving mode. To prevent the archivelog directory from filling up, BRARCHIVE should be executed periodically to move the offline redo logs from the the archive directory to the backup media. The most common use of BRARCHIVE is to back up the offline redo log files to backup storage and delete the backed up log files from the archivelog directory.

In addition to data files and redo logs, BRBACKUP and BRARCHIVE can also back up the following objects
  • BR*Tools profiles init<SID>.ora and init<SID>.dba
  • The summary BRSPACE log space<SID>.log, the log of database structure changes struc<SID>.log, and the log of database parameter changes param<SID>.log.


BRRESTORE is used to restore the whole database or parts of it (data files, control files, and archive redo log files). Before BRRESTORE starts placing the data files back into the file system, it determines whether there is the appropriate free space on the file system. In addition to restoring data files, BRRESTORE can also recovers the directories and links.


BRRECOVER  is a BR*Tools component used for database restore and recovery after media errors, user errors, or disasters occur and the entire database has to be restored, including backup profiles and logs. It can also be used  to recover the entire database or part of the database. To restore data files, BRRECOVER calls the utility BRRESTORE.

Use the restore and recovery functions for Complete database recovery, Database point-in-time recovery, Tablespace point-in-time recovery, Whole database reset and complete Disaster recovery. BR*Tools backup repository is backed up together with a database when using the BRBACKUP tool. The log files are located in the following directories
  • The BR*Tools logs associated with data file backup functions in  <SAPDATA_HOME>\sapbackup directory.
  • The BR*Tools logs associated with redo log backup tasks in <SAPDATA_HOME>\saparch directory.

All these SAP BRTools utilities uses the BACKINT interface to take the SAP database backup and restore functions. You can only take Full SAP database backup through BACKINT interface. You can start a full backup either in online mode or in offline mode. In case of the online type, the offline redo log files generated during the full backup are also backed up to the same media.

BRTOOLS uses below process to take the SAP database backup

  • BR*Tools utility BRBACKUP informs Oracle what data has to be backed up and puts the database into the proper backup state, online or offline.
  • BRBACKUP calls Tivoli Data Protection for SAP using the BACKINT interface with a list of all files to be backed up.
  • Data Protection for SAP reads all the requested files from the database and reports back to BRBACKUP. BRBACKUP adds these files to the repository containing all processed backups.
  • BACKINT saves the data to Tivoli Storage Manager.
  • BR*Tools updates the file repository containing information about the status of the files.

The BR*Tools configuration is stored in the initialization profile file init<SID>.sap. The configuration file contains parameters that affect the performance of backup and restore functions. The default location of the file is

In UNIX                 <ORACLE_HOME>/dbs
In Windows          <ORACLE_HOME>\database 

How does the old SAP database & redologs backups get expired or deleted ?

  • The old SAP database and archived redologs backups can be expired in two ways. You have to choose which method to use for your environment before going to configuration steps. The backup retention policy can configured either on the Tivoli Storage Manager server side by the archive copy group parameter RETVER  or on the side of Tivoli Storage Manager for ERP by specifying the parameter MAX_VERSIONS in the configuration profile (init<SID>.utl).
  • The parameter MAX_VERSIONS defines the maximum number of database backup versions to be kept in backup storage. The default setting for this value is 0, meaning that backup version control is disabled.
  • Every time a full backup completes successfully, the version count is incremented by 1 and stored in the TDP for SAP configuration file. This value is also assigned to the tablespace files and to all subsequent redo log backups. If the number of versions kept in backup storage is larger than the specified maximum number of backup versions (stored in the parameter MAX_VERSIONS), the oldest versions are deleted (together with the corresponding tablespace and redo log files) until only the specified maximum number of most recent versions remain.
  • A Tivoli Storage Manager server uses the value of the parameter RETVER specified when defining an archive copy group to give files an expiration date. If you use Data Protection for SAP backup version control, you need to bypass this expiration function. If you use the Tivoli Storage Manager expiration function, you need to turn off Data Protection for SAP backup version control. Use only one of these methods to control how long you keep backups.
  • If you use Data Protection for SAP backup version control, set the Tivoli Storage Manager parameter RETVER to RETVER=9999 so that the files are not considered expired and are not deleted by Tivoli Storage Manager. If you use Tivoli Storage Manager expiration, deactivate DP for SAP versioning by setting MAX_VERSIONS=0.

Steps to configure IBM TDP for SAP for taking SAP database backup using BR*Tools

You can perform the following steps to configure BR*Tools to use the Tivoli Storage Manager BACKINT adapter with Tivoli Storage Manager for ERP

Steps to be performed on the Tivoli Storage Manager server
  • Define a policy domain with two management classes that will be used to transfer data and logs. 
  • Define an archive copy group for each of the management classes. If the retention control will be performed at the Tivoli Storage Manager server, specify RETVER=<days> for the number of days for each archive copy group. 
  • If retention control will be performed at the Tivoli Storage Manager for ERP level, specify RETVER=nolimit.
  • Register the Tivoli Storage Manager node with the defined domain.
  • Update the parameter MAXNUMMP for the Tivoli Storage Manager node to MAXNUMMP=<value>  (based on the number of drives available).

 Steps to be performed on the client node
  • Update or create dsm.sys file for the Tivoli Storage Manager API client. The parameter PASSWORDACCESS=PROMPT must be set for this configuration.
  • Configure the environment values DSMI_DIR and DSMI_LOG for the Oracle user. the Tivoli Storage Manager API client looks for the dsm.sys configuration file in the directory specified by DSMI_DIR.
  • Configure the client resources for Oracle server in the Tivoli Storage Manager for ERP configuration file <ORACLE_HOME>\dbs\init<SID>.utl.         

  • In the initSID.utl file, check the defined Tivoli Storage Manager node name and Tivoli Storage Manager management classes to be used for the backup of offline redo log files and data files. Make sure that the SERVER parameter refers to an existing stanza in the dsm.sys file.  See the below example images, first image is parameters in initSID.utl file and second image is dsm.sys file parameters.
initSID.utl file


  • Remember, if you specify ADSNODENAME in initSID.utl file then you must not be specify again in dsm,sys file.
  • If the retention control will be driven by Tivoli Storage Manager for ERP, set up the MAX_VERSIONS parameter. 
  • Switch the user to the Oracle instance owner and update the password of the Tivoli Storage Manager node using the following command
            backint -p <full_path>\init<SID>.utl -f password

backint utility

  • Instruct BR*Tools to use the BACKINT interface by setting the backup_dev_type parameter in the SAP initialization file (init<SID>.sap) as follows

             backup_dev_type = util_file
  • Instruct BR*Tools to use the file init<SID>.utl by setting the util_par_file parameter in the SAP initialization file:

  • You should see a prole process running in the background after all these configuration. The purpose of this entry is to start a daemon process for ProLE. This process listens on the Data Protection for SAP for Oracle port tdpr3ora64 for backint and RMAN connections and sends performance-related information to the Administration Assistant Server component
sap prole

  • Now Finally after all these configuration steps, you can either manually call BRTOOLS manually or schedule it through DB13 from SAP to start taking the backup. To call BRTOOLS manually, log in as oracle user and run brtools command as shown below.

brtools utility
  • Use, options 4 & 5 and follow the steps after to take backup or restore of SAP Database and archive redo-logs using SAP BRTOOLS utility. 

26 February 2014

How to install or upgrade Tivoli Data Protection for ERP (SAP) for Oracle V6.3 - Video Tutorial

Tivoli Data Protection (TDP) for ERP (SAP) for Oracle V6.3 should be installed on all your SAP landscape systems, i.e on Production, Development and Quality systems etc. Before installing Tivoli Data Protection (TDP) for SAP for Oracle V6.3 you have to make sure that you planned the SAP databases backup strategy according to your Service Level Agreement (SLA), Recovery Time Objective (RTO), Recovery Point Objective (RPO). You should also make sure that the below prerequisites are met.

Prerequisites for installing Tivoli Data Protection (TDP) for SAP for Oracle V6.3

  • Data Protection for SAP for Oracle must be installed on all SAP database servers and verify that the prerequisites for Data Protection for SAP for Oracle V6.3 are met.
  • (Optional) Install the Administration Assistant function for Data Protection for SAP prior to installing Data Protection for SAP.
  • Define and configure a Domain, Policy-set, and management class retention settings on TSM Server which will be used for SAP Database backup and archive-log backups retention.These management class names should be required during installation phase.
  • Install and configure Tivoli Storage Manager Backup-Archive Client & Tivoli Storage Manager API Client. 
  • Register a TDP node which will be used for the SAP database backup

             register node tdp_sap passwd domain=sapdom maxnummp=8
  • If you want to use LANFREE backup, install & configure TSM Storage Agent on the SAP Systems. Make sure all the tape drives are visible from SAP System.

How to install TDP for SAP for ERP for Oracle on UNIX or Linux Servers

Watch the below video for the installation steps on HP-UX server, installation process is similar on all the platforms. You should have X-manager client installed on your system to use the installation GUI wizard. TDP for SAP for ERP executable name will be in the format of


When the file is launched, Tivoli Storage Manager for ERP guides you through the installation procedure. Read the descriptions carefully and follow the guidelines that are displayed on the panels.

You have to decide before the installation process which utility you want to use for taking backup of SAP databases, the available option are either by using BACKINT utility or RMAN utility. The installation process is different for these two backup strategies.

SAP database backup using BACKINT utility

If you want to use BACKINT utility to take the SAP database backup follow these below steps during installation
  • Log in as the root user on the SAP database server machine.
  • Verify that the DISPLAY variable is set to view the installation prompts through a graphical X-Window.
  • Invoke the appropriate Tivoli Storage Manager for ERP installation file for your operating system and your Oracle database.
  • Select option NO when Oracle RMAN interface during the installation process and follow these below steps.
  • If the Oracle RMAN interface was not selected during the installation process, create these links

                  Go to  $ORACLE_HOME/rdbms/lib directory

                  ln -s /usr/tivoli/tsm/tdp_r3/ora64/libtdp_r3.ext   /usr/lib/libobk.ext

                  ln -s /usr/lib/libobk.ext   $ORACLE_HOME/lib/libobk.ext
  • View the summary in the last page of the installation wizard. The Tivoli Storage Manager for ERP installation path is displayed in the summary where the installation log file (log.txt) is located.
  • These modifications are automatically performed to your system during installation -- An entry is created in /etc/inittab that automatically starts the "ProLE daemon.on UNIX systems. If upstart is configured, /etc/init/prole_db2.conf is created and upstart starts the "ProLE" daemon. An entry is created in /etc/services for internal communication.
  • These files are installed in the Tivoli Storage Manager for ERP installation directory:

SanFSsetupFS.sh (AIX only)

  • These Tivoli Storage Manager for ERP configuration files are installed in the SAP directory (typically, /oracle/SID/dbs):

agent.lic (copy of file in installation directory)
  • The EN_US folder is created, which contains the message catalog file tsmerp.cat.
  • The _uninst folder is also created, which contains additional files if you need to uninstall.

SAP database backup using RMAN utility

If you want to use RMAN utility to take the SAP database backup follow these below steps.
  • Log in as the root user on the SAP database server machine.
  • Configure the Tivoli Storage Manager backup-archive client on your SAP database server for Oracle RMAN interface.
  • Verify that the DISPLAY variable is set to view the installation prompts through a graphical X-Window.
  • Invoke the appropriate Tivoli Storage Manager for ERP installation file for your operating system and your Oracle database.
  • Select option YES when Oracle RMAN interface during the installation process and follow these below steps.
  • Determine the Tivoli Storage Manager for ERP password method which you want to use for communicating with Tivoli Storage Manager (No password required OR Manual password handling).
  • Make sure /usr/lib is specified in the library path environment of your system.
  • Customize the SAP backup profile initSID.sap to use RMAN by adding this text:


  • If Tivoli Storage Manager for ERP is not installed in the default path and backups are done by using Oracle RMAN, then the environment variable XINT_NLS_CATALOG_PATH must be added to the parameter rman_pars in the initSID.sap file. The value of XINT_NLS_CATALOG_PATH must be set to the new customized install path, otherwise the message catalog will not be found.
  • View the summary in the last page of the installation wizard. The Tivoli Storage Manager for ERP installation path is displayed in the summary where the installation log file (log.txt) is located.
  • These files are installed in the Tivoli Storage Manager for ERP installation directory:

SanFSsetupFS.sh (AIX only)
  • These Tivoli Storage Manager for ERP configuration files are installed in the SAP directory (typically, /oracle/SID/dbs):

              agent.lic (copy of file in installation directory)
  • The EN_US folder is created, which contains the message catalog file tsmerp.cat.
  • The _uninst folder is also created, which contains additional files.

 IBM TDP for SAP for Oracle V6.3 default installation directories

  • In AIX   /usr/tivoli/tsm/tdp_r3/ora64
  • In Unix & Linux    /opt/tivoli/tsm/tdp_r3/ora64
  • In windows   C:\program files\tivoli/tsm/tdp_r3/ora64

IBM TDP for SAP for Oracle V6.3  Important Configuration Directories

  • SAP_CFG_FILE=  /oracle/SID/dbs
  • SAP_BR_TOOL=  /usr/sap/SID/SYS/exe/run

IBM TDP for SAP for Oracle V6.3 Important Configuration files


How to uninstall IBM TDP for SAP for Oracle V6.3 completely

If you want to uninstall and reinstall for some reason, follow these below steps. It is recommended to uninstall by using this method to completely remove all its packages.
  • Log in on the SAPÆ database server machine as root user.
  • Make sure that the DISPLAY variable is set correctly as the uninstall procedure requires a graphical X-Window.
  • Launch the uninstall executable file and follow the instructions of the uninstall procedure. The uninstall executable file is located in one of the following directories:

AIX 64-bit:
Go to  /usr/tivoli/tsm/tdp_r3/ora64/Uninstall_TIV-TSMERPORA directory and run Uninstall_TIV-TSMERPORA

Other UNIX 64-bit or Linux 64-bit:
Go to    /opt/tivoli/tsm/tdp_r3/ora64/Uninstall_TIV-TSMERPORA directory and run Uninstall_TIV-TSMERPORA

How to upgrade Data Protection for SAP for Oracle V5.5 to V6.3

  • Make sure that the requirements for the new version of Data Protection for SAP are met.
  • It is recommended to take a full backup of the SAP database should be performed before upgrading to the new version.
  • Uninstall the old version as explained above.
  • Install the new version of Data Protection for SAP as described above.
  • A full backup should be performed after upgrading to the new version

22 February 2014

Planning a backup strategy for protecting SAP databases using TDP for SAP for Oracle V6.3

Planning a backup strategy itself would mean that you have finished 50% of configuration, correct planning will give you high backup and restore performance which would results in  good Return on Investment (ROI) for your company. And you should regularly check your backup strategy to make sure you are prepared for the unexpected disaster. Planning of SAP database backup should be done depending upon your SAP system landscape, network and TSM server configuration. However, you should consider these common questions before planning to protect your SAP database along with archive log files and other important operating system files.
  • Database size ?
  • Transaction rate of your database ?
  • Available LAN and LANFree network throughput ?
  • Type of events do you wish to protect your SAP system against ?
  • How fast do you need to recover from a failure ?
  • What backup windows are available ?

Points to remember before planning a backup strategy for TDP SAP for Oracle V6.3

Any common SAP system landscape generally contains Production SAP system, Development SAP system, Quality SAP system and optionally Educational SAP system. Based upon your Recovery Time Objective (RTO) and Recovery Point Objective (RPO), you should plan suitable SAP system landscape backup strategy.

1) Planning a backup strategy for SAP Oracle Database & Logs

To help prevent the loss of data associated with the Oracle databases, you should plan to back up these below mentioned Oracle files and logs on a regular basis.  For best protection, you should plan to configure daily online SAP database backups and weekly/monthly offline SAP database backups. The following files will be backed-up during online and offline SAP database backups.

Data files
Files belonging to a specific tablespace (data files) are backed up by BRBACKUP utility at the file level during offline or online backups.

Control files
The control file is backed up by BRBACKUP utility whenever a tablespace backup occurs. Oracle provides mirroring of the control file to protect the running database system against corruption of this active file. The operating system utilitites can also be used to mirror these files.

Online redo logs
Online redo logs are backed up by BRBACKUP utility whenever a full offline database backup occurs. Oracle provides mirroring of the redo log files to protect the running database system against corruption of these active files. The operating system utilities can also be used to mirror these files.

Offline redo logs
Offline redo logs are backed up by BRARCHIVE utility. You can specify that the redo logs be deleted from their original location when BRARCHIVE completes successfully.

2) Planning a Backup Strategy for SAP System Data

SAP system data and Oracle system data should also be backed up on a regular basis using the Tivoli Storage Manager backup-archive client incremental backup feature. Although the database is backed up with Data Protection for SAP, note that SAP, Oracle and operating system protocols are also backed up directly by the Tivoli Storage Manager backup-archive client.  You can use the BA-client to define an include-exclude list of files that to be backed up during incremental backup operation. The include-exclude list should exclude all relevant database data that has already been backed up or archived by TDP SAP for Oracle, such as
data files, the control file, and online or offline redo logs. 

You can use the the example include-exclude list files which are provided in Data Protection for SAP installation directory or manually add these directories to the list of paths to be excluded in the Tivoli Storage Manager backup-archive client include-exclude list. These entries will prevent the database from being backed up twice. Following are the filesystems list which should be excluded during BA Client backup.

In UNIX or Linux

In Windows
Assuming C:\ is the default SAP installed directory.


3) Planning a Backup Strategy for Backup Protocols and Profiles

Every BRBACKUP and BRARCHIVE operation performs two actions. The first action backs up these below type of objects
  • SAP data files
  • database control files
  • online redo log files
  • offline redo log files

The second action backs up these below profile and protocol files
  • BR*Tools profile (initSID.dba)
  • BR*Tools Initialization profile (initSID.sap)
  • Data Protection for SAP profile (initSID.utl)
  • Oracle profile (initSID.ora)
  • BRBACKUP summary log (backSID.log)
  • BRARCHIVE summary log (archSID.log)
  • BRBACKUP/BRARCHIVE detailed log
  • BR*Tools main log (reorgSID.log)
  • Structure log (structSID.log)
These profiles and protocols are required by the BRTools whenever a backup, restore, or recovery is performed. If these profile and protocol files have not been backed up using a file system backup, they can only be restored using Data Protection for SAP for Oracle. These profile and protocol files are located in these directories

In UNIX or Linux

Directory                                  Files
/oracle/SID/sapreorg              BR*Tools and structure logs
/oracle/SID/sapbackup          BRBACKUP logs
/oracle/SID/saparch               BRARCHIVE logs
/oracle/SID/dbs                       Profiles

In Windows

Directory                                       Files
drive:\oracle\SID\sapreorg         BR*Tools and structure logs
drive:\oracle\SID\sapbackup     BRBACKUP logs
drive:\oracle\SID\saparch          BRARCHIVE logs
drive:\orant\database                 Profiles

4) Planning a Backup Strategy for the Operating System

Additionally, to help prevent a complete loss of the operating system,  use operating system
utilities such as mksysb for AIX to perform system backups regularly (quarterly/half-yearly). Such backups should be performed after installing, updating, or upgrading the operating system. This will allow you to start your system from the backup medium. A configured TCP/IP environment and Tivoli Storage Manager Backup-Archive client installation should be included in a base backup in order to be able to restore all user dependent data.

ibm tdp sap backup planning

5) Planning hardware for configuring backups on a SAP Database Server 

In general, the production (SAP database) server is the most critical component for data transfer. You should consider the following requirements before planning to implement the backup strategy for SAP database using IBM TDP for ERP.

CPU power
Data transfer, data compression, local, or LAN-free backup operations can cause significant demands on the database server CPU. These demands are in addition to the application load caused by online backups. In many environments, the CPU is the most critical constraint. The CPU load for LAN-free backups (Managed System for SAN) can be significantly reduced by managing the Data Protection for SAP for Oracle parameter Buffer Size (BUFFSIZE).

I/O paths
Fast disk attachments with internal busses (like a peripheral component interface) and file system features like caching or reading ahead can improve data transfer rates. These attachments and features can be especially useful for backup and restore operations that contain a significant number of files and large data volumes.

Volume Mirroring settings
Operating System Volume Manager provides volume mirroring options that can significantly
reduce the data transfer rate during restore operations. As a result, not using volume mirroring options during restore operations can improve the data transfer rate.

Disk layout
The manner in which the database files are laid out can affect data transfer rates. Since Data Protection for SAP allows parallel access to database files during backup and restore operations, distribute data across several disks in order to take advantage of this feature.

Database size
The size of a database can be reduced by offloading inactive data to an external archive.

Size of the database files
When similar files are the same size, multiplexing can be used to improve data transfer rates.

Backup types
Online backups save database files, control files, and redo logs non-disruptively. On the other hand, more data is saved to redo log files during an online backup. The amount of data saved to redo logs during an online backup may be decreased when using the file-online mode provided by SAP, while such a backup will take longer. Incremental backups will reduce the backup time and the amount of data to be sent to the backup server while restore time may be increased. If you want to take SAP database incremental backups, Oracle RMAN must be configured.

6) Planning hardware for a  Backup Server (TSM server) 

Consider these items when setting up the Tivoli Storage Manager server.  Data Protection for SAP for Oracle uses the Tivoli Storage Manager archive management-class  function for all backup activities.

Dedicated backup server
A dedicated backup server allows sharing of resources and provides an efficient resource utilization.

CPU power
Observations show that for a given data throughput, the CPU load on the backup server is approximately 60% of that on the database server. Therefore, backup server CPU power is not quite as critical as the CPU power of the database server. However, demands on the Tivoli Storage Manager server CPU do increase when several clients access a single Tivoli
Storage Manager server and also if TSM deduplication is running for other normal clients. 

Storage hierarchy
Backup of large data files should be directed to tape in order to achieve the highest transfer rates. If disks must be used, it is recommended to use one disk pool per session. Small files such as log files should be directed to disk storage first and then be migrated to tape collectively to avoid excessive tape mounts.

Parallel sessions
The Tivoli Storage Manager server allows using several tape drives in parallel to store data. This can increase overall data throughput. In order to exploit this feature, the corresponding Tivoli Storage Manager node must be allowed the appropriate number of mount points and the device class must be allowed the appropriate mount limits.

7) Planning for Tivoli Storage Manager server storage

1) Data Protection for SAP transfers data to and from the backup server through single or multiple (parallel) sessions to the Tivoli Storage Manager server. Each session must have a storage device associated with it. The SAP backup ID is persistently linked with each backup file. This backup ID can be used later to determine all files required for a complete restore.

2) In SAP terminology 'backup' means backup of data files, 'archive' (BRARCHIVE) means the backup of archived redo log files. Data Protection for SAP for Oracle uses the Tivoli Storage Manager archive function for both backup types.

3) Tape storage is the preferred media for storing the database contents as this is proven to provide the best data throughput for backup and restore. In addition, the backup file sequence is maintained for restore which improves restore processing time. 

4) A disk-tape storage hierarchy is recommended for backing up log files, each log file should be backed up immediately after it is placed in the archive directory. This provides the best protection against data loss and eliminates the need to mount a tape for small sized  files.

5) Collocation is a Tivoli Storage Manager function that ensures client data is maintained together on one tape. Collocation should be avoided for Data Protection for SAP backups when enabling parallel sessions for use with multiple tape drives in parallel. Collocation should also be avoided when using the multiple log copy function.

6) To improve availability you can use alternate TSM servers for backup and to improve performance you can use multiple TSM servers for SAP database backup.

7) Database backups are typically retained for a specified period and then become obsolete. In order to manage backup storage space efficiently, delete obsolete backups so that the tape storage space can be reclaimed. There are two ways to perform this deletion:
  • Set an appropriate archive retention period with Tivoli Storage Manager options.
  • Use the Data Protection for SAP backup version control function (MAX-Version) in initSID.utl file. When the number of backup versions  is exceeded, entire backup generations such as full backups and all related redo log backups, are automatically deleted.

8) Be aware that the SAP backup log may still list deleted (expired) backups since this log cannot be updated by Data Protection for SAP.

8) Network Settings Requirements

Consider the following network settings while planning to protect the SAP database.

Use LAN-free backup
LAN-free backup can reduce the load on the network and on the Tivoli Storage Manager server, thus improving data transfer rates. When using LAN-free backup, make sure fiber channel adapter capacity to the SAN can accommodate the data transfer rates of the disk reads and tape writes.

Network bandwidth
Experience reveals that the effective throughput capacity is approximately half of the theoretical network bandwidth. For high-speed networks (such as Gigabit Ethernet LAN), the network adapters limit the throughput rather than the network itself.

Network topology
A dedicated backbone network that is used only for backup and restore operations can improve the data transfer rate.

TCP options
Use TCP options that are the most beneficial for your environment.

Multiple Paths
Data Protection for SAP for Oracle allows you to increase the overall throughput rate to the backup server by specifying multiple network paths.

9) Alternate or parallel backup paths and backup servers (optional)

Data Protection for SAP for Oracle can use several communication links between Tivoli Storage Manager clients in order to control alternate backup paths and alternate backup servers. This feature can increase throughput by transferring data over multiple paths simultaneously or to and from several servers in parallel. It can improve the availability of the Tivoli Storage Manager client-to-server communication and enable disaster recovery backup to a special (remote) Tivoli Storage Manager server. Each session path in the initSID.utl profile is defined by a server statement and the corresponding definitions in the Tivoli Storage Manager client system option file dsm.sys (UNIX and Linux) or server.opt (Windows).

The SERVER <server 1..n> and SESSIONS parameters defined in the Data Protection for SAP profile (initSID.utl) denotes the name of the Tivoli Storage Manager servers and number of parallel sessions that TDP SAP schedules for the given path respectively.

10) Creating multiple redo log copies

Data Protection for SAP for Oracle can save a number of copies of each redo log by using different Tivoli Storage Manager server management classes. By creating multiple redo log copies on separate physical media, the administrator can restore and recover a database even if a backup tape becomes corrupt. These parameter setting can be modified in the initSID.utl file according to your SAP & TSM server environment.

BRARCHIVEMGTCLASS denotes the Tivoli Storage Manager server management classes to be used when saving redo logs. With the use of different management classes, the backup media targeted for redo logs is separated from the backup media targeted for the database objects. Different redo log copies can also be saved to different backup media. To best protect against the loss of data, it is important that the different management classes are linked to different storage pools within Tivoli Storage Manager storage so that the various redo log copies reside on different backup media.

REDOLOG_COPIES allows the administrator to initiate the creation of multiple backup copies of each redo log. By creating multiple copies on separate physical media, the database administrator is able to restore and recover an Oracle database in an SAP environment even if a backup tape becomes corrupt or lost.

MAX_SESSIONS specifies the maximum number of sessions that a single Data Protection for SAP instance is allowed to access to the Tivoli Storage Manager server.

11) Estimating Backup and Restore performance

Configuration changes and infrastructure problems affect both backup and restore operations similarly. Therefore, modifications supporting a fast backup should also be considered as applicable to the restore operation. Generally, it is recommended to tune the backup and then run a restore test to verify that restore still works in a satisfactory manner. During a restore operation, the values of these parameters are determined by their settings during the corresponding backup

If compression is used during the backup, data needs to be decompressed during restore process.

The same level of multiplexing as was used during backup is automatically applied during restore.

Multiple Servers
When a backup is performed using multiple servers, the same servers must be online and available during the restore operation.